Wednesday 12 April 2017

DIY Crop Top

Summer is here that means the season of wearing shorts, crop top, bikinis and stuff like that. I love crop tops and its perfect for summer. In this DIY project I am going to show you how easily you can transform your old/new long tshirts into crop tops !


1. T shirt 
2. Scissors
3. Lace 
4. Fabric glue


1. Crop it

We are making a crop top so it is obvious that we need to crop the t shirt into desired length. 
Wear the t shirt first and mark how long you want it to be and cut it using sharp scissors, you can mark with the help of scale first and then cut to get even lines.

2.Attach the lace

Cut the lace according too the size of your waist and glue it to the bottom ends of the crop top by doing this the crop top will have clean and nice ends. Let it dry completely before you try it on.

You can get so creative with this by using different laces of different colors, add sequences and much more. You are the designer you can make it as you like and have fun with it.


DIY Printed Shirt


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