Friday, 22 July 2016

DIY Party Decor Wall

Decorations are also an important element of any party and when you make your own decorations the compliments that you get make you feel even more special. This is any easy way to make decorations for your party and also inexpensive. These decorations can also be reused when the party is done. So keep reading to learn how to make these Party Decor Wall.


1.Chart Papers or any type of colour paper.
Here you can choose different colours to make it colourful and bright or also use only one colour if you have some party theme.

4.Double sided tape


1.Start by taking the chart paper, colour of your choice and cut a square out of it.
The size of the square is depended on you and you can make the square to any any size.

2.Fan fold the paper.
Fan fold is one of the origami techniques. Basically fan fold is folding the paper on top of each other in a vertical pattern, of each fold having approximately 1 centimetre space. Repeat the process until the last fold.

3.After folding the paper again fold the paper from middle and staple the inner ends of the paper together. I used two staple pins to secure the ends but this depends upon the size of the paper.

Spread out the folds and the half circle is done!
The next one is the full circle.


1.Take two sheets of square paper of the same size and colour.

2.Fan fold both the papers.

3.Same step is to be followed here that is to fold the paper into half and staple the inner ends together.
Do this to both the papers.

4.Also staple both the papers that we just fan folded.

And the circle is also done!
Make as many as you want to fill the wall.
First lay the pieces on a flat surface to have a judgement of how it will look when it goes on the wall, later stick the pieces using double sided tape.


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