Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Marquee Sign - Mother's Day Gift Idea

 Mother's Day is on 8th of May and just few day left for it.
Mother's just love anything that their child makes for them. Learn to make marquee letters saying MOM perfect for her to gift his mother's day. All the supplies needed for this is inexpensive and may be available at your house already.


1.Mount board
2.Pencil/Pen/Sketch Pen, Scale
3.Coloured Chart Paper
5.Sticky Tape
6.String lights


45 to 50 minutes


1.Make a rectangular shape on the mount board so that the letters are of same size. I made a rectangle of 15 inch by 7 inch. The letter MOM has only three words so divide the rectangle into 3 parts, each part should be 5 inch long. Write the world and cut it out.

2.Trace out the word onto the chart paper and cut it out.

3.Apply glue and then stick both the chart paper and mount board together.

4.Mark where the holes would be with the help of pencil.

5.Take something sharp to make the holes and later use a pencil to make the holes bigger.

6.To make the letters stand, take carboard and cut it into triangular shapes and stick with the help of tape, make sure that the base of the triangles are touching the ground.

7.Put in the string lights and tape the wires that are coming out.

Use the string lights that don't get hot like LEDs.

Gift it to your mom and she would love it.


  1. VWhat a beautiful sign! You make it look so beauty and easy to make!
    Metal Letters Chennai | LED Sign Boards in Chennai

  2. Hey..you are a good artistic and you have a great taste. If you want to present a gift for you mom in Metal letters Chennai, do contact the name board makers in Chennai.



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